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Top Ways To Make Your Child Free From Math Fear


Do you know? Why are some children afraid of math? Common reason is that Math taught in school as a judgmental subject – answers are usually right or wrong, yes or no. According to Steve Chin, an international consultant specializing in maths difficulties, children do not like being told they are wrong. Having to do calculations in class because of lacking in confidence & it will increase the anxiety and anxiety in turn makes the working memory less effective, and children just freeze up.

These Points will Help your child to overcome the Math fear:

Always Be Positive: You have to encourage your child to be positive towards maths.

Encourage Child Practice: Practice always helps to improve a child’s maths skills & knowledge. Encourage your child every day to come out from work problem & keep extra time for this. If necessary, hire a Professional Math tutors to provide extra coaching, which leads to the next point.

Best Use of Technology:

If your child find some problem, you could use technology to help him or her with the learning. Use Math tutoring App like Math Board, Math vs Zombies and many more. These apps provide fun ways for children to learn about maths concepts without thinking that they are related to school work.

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